Development Setup

Build Requirements


yum -y install npm gcc make


Since this is a linux environment , we can work like in Linux apt-get install nmp gcc make Windows:

TODO: Figure out how to install and develop on windows. For now have to use WSL on windows 10. Test make test Development:

The makefiles will create a virtualenv and install the module.

Building templates

MyCMS uses dustjs templates which are found in /mycms/templates/mycms/dustjs_templates.

Rebuild of dustjs templates is done by:

make dustjs

This will also install npm and required modules if not already installed.


python version:

make PYTHON_VERSION=‘2.7.8’ test make PYTHON_VERSION=‘2.7.8’ virtualenv

pep8 options:

make PEP8_OPTIONS=’–max-line-length=120’ python-pep8

If you have already downloaded the tarballs you need (Python and/or virtualenv) you can work offline like this:

make ONLINE=false virtualenv